Giving and Givers

Financial Support

Cash donations are gratefully accepted at any time. All gifts are tax deductible (cheques should be made payable to WINGS and mailed to #501-104-1015 Columbia Street, New Westminster, BC  V3M 6V3)

Charity # – 87104 0168 RR0001

Interac e-transfers can be made through your online banking website.  Register WINGS as a payee and [email protected] as the email address.

Credit card donations are accepted securely online through the Canada Helps form below: 

Special event donations:

Every Christmas, we work towards putting together gift bags for all the women and children who attend our annual Christmas reunion. Items we require for these gift bags include toys for all ages, and women’s gift items like bath and body gift sets, candle gift sets, chocolates, mitts, scarves and hats.

In addition we organise a Christmas Hamper program to help those families in special need during the Christmas Season. Examples of what a typical hamper would contain include ingredients for a Christmas dinner or a gift certificate for groceries, 2-3 quality gifts for each child and mom, Christmas baking, treats, chocolates and Christmas candy. If you’d like to be involved in sponsoring a family this year, please contact us for more information at 604-521-1888.

Other Donations:

Please note that we only have so much room in which to store donations, so please call us at 604-521-1888 before you donate to see if we can take it at this time.

The umbrella organization of Monarch Place, WINGS, is a member of the “Canadian Centre for Christian Charities”, and spending of funds is confined to board approved programs and projects. Each restricted contribution designated towards a board approved program or project will be used as designated with the understanding that when the need for such a program or project has been met, or cannot be completed for any reason determined by the board, the remaining restricted contributions designated for such program or project will be used where needed most.